Analytics & Big Data

Data Analysis & Exploration

Data Visualization

Metrics & KPIs

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Full Stack R, Shiny, & Python

Enterprise & Package Solutions

Technology Planning

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Analytics & Big Data Tools

Analytics & Big Data Practices

Architecture & Programming

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Periscope Framework

Mentoring & Courses


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Actionable Insights

Aggregate Genius Inc. foremost believes in providing our customers with the ability to understand their data so that they can take decisive action toward success.

Know What you KNOW…™

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Custom Analytics Solutions

We create custom analytics solutions using a variety of industry-leading tools and platforms tailored to our customer’s needs and interests. Dashboards, micro services, packages, and more!

Our work also extends into the public domain with platforms such as Periscope for Shiny applications.

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Development and Training

We create solutions using a combination of R, Shiny, and Python along with advanced data exploration and visualization tools.

We additionally provide custom training for analytics techniques and tools, which we can deliver directly or through partners such as

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